Sunday, August 7, 2011

College Fjord

It's 20 Jun 2011 and you have got to see this. 

We woke up this morning around 0600 and looked out the window to see pieces of ice floating by.  Ran down to the Lido Deck to grab some breakfast as the ship pulled about as far into the College Fjord as it was going to get. 

They obviously have a script to their madness because even though it was cool and quite overcast, the glaciers coming down to the fjord were stunning.  After finishing breakfast we headed outside with just about everyone else up at that time in the morning to get a clearer view without windows in the way. 

These are just a few of the pics we got as we moved from deck to deck for better or different views.  The Captain used the thrusters to rotate the ship about 90 degrees counter clockwise to give the starboard side a clear shot at the glaciers at the head of the fjord. 

After getting our fill, Ann and I started to explore all the different decks just to get the lay of the land.  

The Lido Deck, by the way, is where a lot of social activities are located.  The main attraction most times is the cafeteria which seems to be open night and day .  It has some great food and is already paid for so you can just take something you see, or depending on time of day, have a chef make something up for you.  

We eventually make our way back to our cabin and get a look from the veranda.

We are slowly but surely outrunning the overcast in the vicinity of the glaciers.  I've heard of mahy cases where the local terrain creates its own weather.  I suspect this is another -- the ice dropping the temperature and causing the overcast to condense from the available humidity.  

It is interesting on this trip how often the ocean is smooth as glass.  Having seen the ocean riled up in some serious storms, this is a pleasant surprise. 

While the glaciers are a very nice way to wake up this morning, and there is still a lot of ship to explore, the last few days of traveling have worn on all of us.  We spend the rest of the day moving at a slow pace.  The camera gets a rest as well.

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