Day 12, 18 Feb 2013. The final day of our adventure. We're in the Hampton Inn in Beaufort SC, doing the final bag drag and grabbing a little breakfast.
This clearance business is getting
complicated everywhere. Turns out Beaufort approach is closed for
President's Day so we scramble find a frequency to get our clearance. By the
time we do we're half way there.
Barnwell is a popular place. There was
one guy pulling away from the pumps as we pulled in. Two more planes land and get in line as
we're topping off. It's amazing what cheap gas will do for your popularity.
The fella watching us all mentioned they weren't sure how long prices
would last, but they sure were happy to be able to help everyone while it
We finally get Frederick in sight . . .
. . . and are cleared to land Rwy 05.
One more top off at Frederick's self-serve and we're headed for the hangar.
It's still winter here so we need to take the usual precautions. As we leave for Waynesboro she's plugged into the engine heater. That's a necessary step unless you want to arrive for a flight one cold morning and find the oil has more the consistency of asphalt. This is certainly a big change in perspective from the last two weeks. We also asked Landmark Aviation, our local FBO, to take her in for a wash to get all the salt she's undoubtedly picked up in the Caribbean off her. Never hurts to keep ahead of corrosion.
So home sweet home. It's time to build a fire. It's going to be cold tonight.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The overall tale of the numbers: 4033 nautical miles, three countries, 36 hours of flying on the hobbs meter (sort of an engine clock) / 33.3 hours on the tach, 16 stops.
There are a lot of things one can say about a trip like this. It was a fun intellectual challenge pulling all the pieces together (in spite of the unreasonable four rules imposed by the participants - see our 19 May 2013 post ;-). It required a good effort by both of us to keep it all on track while on the road. In the end, it was satisfying to have successfully anticipated virtually all the main logistical issues.
The main thing, though, is it was worth it. Being able to share so many terrific places with my model friend, great people, natural beauty, man-made wonders, different ways of making a living, big money, small money, the hustle everywhere, civic interest everywhere -- this is positively stimulating and motivational.
Of course, you can see bits and pieces of this everywhere you go. You don't necessarily need to fly the Caribbean to find it. It's hard to argue, after flying it, that these characteristics are so much clearer when one looks around. With any luck, we'll be able to use a refreshed perspective back home. Just one perspective, but who knows -- it might just be contagious. And it might lead to another adventure.
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