Day 11. 17 Feb 2013, and its a beautiful day by the looks of it early in the morning.
Well, it's been a great ride so far. In two days we'll be putting N6321T back in the hangar in Frederick MD. We're stopping in Beaufort SC to visit a partner in the plane, Bill Schultz and his wife Betty, before topping her off for the last leg home. But first, we need to clear
BHS and US Customs, get a little more cheap gas, and hope for good weather.
I mentioned the conversation with our taxi driver on the ride back to the
airport in yesterday's post. What I did not mention
was breakfast before our departure. We ate at Murray's Deli, kind of an "I Love NY"
kind of a place with good food and one of the few places at Atlantic open early. When we finished, I had to
get some pictures because Murray's was right next to the harbor, and the harbor
was filled with boats.
Big boats, impressive boats, boats with boats,
boats with their own jet skis,
boats with cranes mounted on the stern to raise and lower shuttle boats.
All this was very impressive, but one boat in
particular caught everyone's attention. There was a boat with its own
helicopter. Talk about one-upmanship!! I'll grant you I never
actually saw the helo without its canvas cover, so for all I know it was a
cardboard helo. But still . . .
Anyway, I'd called US Customs the day before
with a 1200L arrival at Ft Pierce, so once again the timing of the day's events
was pretty much set. After the drive to the airport, Bahamas Customs is
another snap. Just hand the ladies at the FBO counter your paperwork, they
walk it back to a little room, and you're done. I'd also filed that
morning using
It worked this time (none of that stuff about needing a contract or agreement), but you have to pick up your clearance using a radio in the
FBO. Once we'd gotten 21T moved in from the lower 40 and fueling was
underway, I called clearance and got a full route clearance.
Departing was a snap. After we got our
clearance, all we had to do was make our departure time. Bag drag,
pre-flight, and we're a few minutes early. Ground has no problem with
that and we're off a little early.
The flight to Ft Pierce is over Freeport.

There is a bit of surface traffic out with us this morning.
This is a long leg that starts with the usual number of islands along the route, and ends with a large stretch of deep water all the way to the Florida coast. From the air the line marking coastal waters and the deep Atlantic is pretty clear as you can see below.
The only remarkable thing about this flight is chatter about a TFR over Ft
Pierce. We later learned this was for Mr. Obama's golf outing with Tiger Woods.
ATC routed us right in and we parked in front of Customs.
After outbound and inbound experiences, I can definitely recommend Ft Pierce as a preferred and easy way to make the jump to the Bahamas. An FBO
guy came over with a baggage cart to help unload bags, and a customs guy came
out to help as well. We did the usual passport and Immigration form, and
walked past the x-ray machines with instructions if no one was there to keep
walking back to the plane. Plane it was.
As a Cherokee pulled in behind us and a
business jet had pulled alongside, we decided to push her over to parking in
front of the FBO and Tiki Bar - line guy helped again. We dropped off the
raft and life vests and grabbed some lunch. Nice place with excellent
food and good service. While in the restaurant we filed for a flight to
Beaufort SC and dinner with Bill and Betty. I had thought about stopping
once again at Valkaria, but Barnwell's gas was cheaper and we had enough to hit
Beaufort and get to Barnwell the next morning.
So one more uneventful flight up the coast to
Beaufort. The fella at the airport remembered Bill and 21T from a period in December 2012 through January 2013 when Bill had her down that way.
We're getting used to the idea of grabbing a cab, so off to a Hampton in Beaufort. This is a pretty little town just outside the Marines Parris Island complex.
As you might imagine, there are a lot of Marines and retired Marines in the area. Our taxi driver chats about how the area has been doing since the economy turned south. He's doing alright so far.
After cleaning up a bit, Bill and Betty arrive and take us
downtown to The Plum. This is a great little restaurant with what appears
to have a good following. Ann got the local shrimp ravioli, and I got the
special. Everyone completely enjoyed the food and it was good to catch up
with the Schultz's.
Tomorrow we're on our way home.