Well, we finally come to the end of our cruise. Its 26 June 2011 and we're headed for Vancouver CA. Although Ann and I talked about an 0600 wakeup, I'm up at 0420 for some reason and head for the verandah of our stateroom to see the sunrise and to start up the computer without waking her.
It seems the ship has been dragging it's heels all night. Before we went to bed we were cruising at about 11 kts and at one point actually went into what I'd call a holding pattern, doubling back on our course to kill time. I suppose we may have been getting in the right sequence for arrival and berthing in Vancouver. On a few occasions while taking pics on the forward observation deck you can look up to the bridge and see the people chatting on a radio. While we are in a hold, there are two other ships within a half-mile passing in opposite directions. This is way more shipping activity we're seeing than anywhere other than a port on this trip, and all pretty close by, so it is noteworthy.
This morning we're still doing just over 11 kts and are 10 nm from Vancouver at 0544. Ann got up briefly a few minutes ago and fed us both some sudafed before climbing back under the covers for a few more winks.
As one might expect, there's a lot more activity in the vicinity of Vancouver. A steady stream of boats is headed north as we head for the dock.
There is a fort guarding the entrance to the harbor at Vancouver.
You can see the docks where we'll be departing just to the left of the trees. It's the white pointy structures.
This was the one place where the excellent logistical planning we'd seen throughout the trip fell down just a bit. We had made reservations to stay an extra day in Vancouver to decompress before the final flight home. We put purple tags on our bags the night before to help the baggage handlers get everyone's stuff in the right areas ashore, and there is in fact a purple section. Apparently "purple people" were those who were not making immediate connections, so there is less rush to get our bags ashore. So we waited a bit.
That would not have been a big deal if the company Holland had contracted with to take us to the airport hotel had not recently changed hands and names. The long and the longer of it was someone forgot or lost the reserved van to take us to the airport. So we waited, . . . . . . . . . . . . about an hour before one of the Holland expediters finally arranged cabs to take us. Except for the long wait, this turned out alright as we got a particularly talkative cabby.
Seems there has been an influx of Asians who have bid up property prices in the region so much that buying a home has become prohibitively expensive for native Canadians in the area. Seems Stanley Park is the place to go as it is exquisitely beautiful. Seems there are great places to eat right downtown. Seems the subway system is pretty good and largely subsidized by the local government since the Olympics because it's really not economically viable but every time someone suggests it should pay for itself it becomes a big deal and the issue is dropped. Seems this guy (French Canadian by his accent) who used to be a sailor has found a home he truly loves.
We finally get to the airport around 1100. This works out well as our rooms are ready by the time we arrive. We move right in. These are interesting rooms. They have a great view of the runways and the surrounding terrain. To add to the experience, many rooms (ours included) have a high powered telescope in the room so you can focus in on activity on the airport, surrounding bay, and so on.
By this time we're all pretty hungry so we head for the hotel restaurant for lunch. This is also a great move because not only is the food outstanding, but our waitress is very helpful and nearly as chatty as the cabby. We ask her about our trip and plans for the day, looking for her suggestions. Among other things, she runs back to her manager and grabs a handful coupons for the subway, brings maps and highlights places to see and routes to take. She's great. The view of the city as the subway takes us downtown is pretty good, as subways go. Eventually the track will head underground and deposit us right back in the vicinity of the dock and the Zaandam.
It's a little peculiar seeing her getting ready to launch for the next leg of her voyages. She had been our home just hours ago, and now we're standing on the outside watching the crew load up for the next batch of passengers. Interesting how quickly one can develop an affinity for things. The fact that it was a thoroughly pleasant experience (with the exception of waiting on the docks this morning) certainly didn't hurt. Continuing the saga of floatplanes in the region, there is a tremendous amount of activity in the harbor all day long.
This twin engined float is merely one of the larger examples. There are an even greater number of single engine piston and turbine planes taking off and landing. There was even one that seemed privately owned that slowly taxied out of a narrow channel lined with what appeared to be private homes, checked for a clear takeoff path, and took off. Nice way to commute. Can't imagine what Washington DC would make of such informality. They'd probably want TSA to check the pilots credentials, a US Marshall aboard, the Coast Guard standing by to direct traffic, and anti-aircraft guns tracking the departure just in case . . . but I digress.
There are many interesting works of art and artifacts of the Olympics on the docks. The tubular structure above is the Olympic torch from the games. Each of the four segments has a torch. They were supposed to be lit at ground level, then be raised to the pictured position. I heard the story of how one of these failed to rise during the lighting ceremony for the actual games, leading to some quick improvisation.
No, that is not a faulty picture above. It just has a pixelated look because its made of what looks like oversized Leggos. It's actually a sculpture of a whale leaping from the dock.
. . . the Steamworks. This is an interesting place that had the added attraction of drawing huge numbers of people.
After an hour or so of relaxing and chatting, we finally make our way back out of the Steamboat and start heading to the airport. This turns out to be more exciting than one might expect as the directions on the route map are not immediately clear. Fortunately, we happen across a fella who detects the sure signs of tourists lost in the subway. He's going in more or less the direction of the airport and offers to guide us where we need to go. It's an interesting path, but eventually we do get to our train and make it back to the airport.
Everyone is tired from a long day of bag drags and walking, so everyone but Ann and I make their way back to their rooms. Ann and I start scouting for more sudafed as our colds (bronchitis, but we don't know it yet) are getting worse. For dinner we each eventually make our way back to the hotel restaurant. A good meal and an after dinner drink are just the thing to get sleep in a hurry . . . but not before we watch a few late flights departing, as we will in the morning.
The flight the next day is pretty straight forward. An easy walk downstairs to the Delta counter. A connection through Salt Lake City. Our van is there at BWI when we arrive. It was well worth the money to have someone else drive us home late in the evening.
A trip of surprises. This was mainly Ann's trip. She has always wanted to take a cruise to Alaska. Me, not so much. However, I enjoyed this trip immensely. After growing up in Detroit, I can't see moving to Alaska's winter cold permanently as even a remote possibility. I also don't know if coming back to "fly floats as my summer job" will ever happen though I am definitely moving float training up on my to do list. I liked the area, liked the people, and liked the activity all around us. Lot of good people all around. I especially enjoyed going with Ann -- she's such a good traveler. I can't imagine having as much fun without her.
Now I need to figure out where else she wants to go . . .
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