Saturday, April 23, 2011

ambling along

I coached baseball a few years back.  I won't say it was "just" little league and pony league.  That makes is sound like it wasn't much.  It was actually among the most enjoyable, memorable, instructive and constructive things I've ever done.  Like most things, though, it was part of a lot of other things.

We moved to Waynesboro PA as a military assignment.  Wife, son, two daughters (one of the four legged beagle persuasion) and the usual tonnage that comes with a move.  It was tough leaving Hickam AFB, Hawaii.  We all made friends there we remain in touch with to this day.  Waynesboro is a small but interesting town with great people and a sound feeling.  Someone once wrote of Columbus OH that it had an air of mental health about it.  Well, that is Waynesboro.  Occasionally, when things get a little out of round, quiet interventions take place and the thumping and vibrating recede.  It's nice to live among adults.

We were lucky to meet Larry Price shortly after arriving.  My son and daughter needed to make new friends.  On military bases this is as easy as walking outside with a ball.  Before long a few kids show up, shortly after that a game breaks out and friends are made.  Folks in Waynesboro tend to measure time in town in generations.  Although very friendly and sociable, they've had no particular reason to develop the habit of immediately engaging the new folks, a habit among military families that eases the strain of frequent moves.   

One of the centers of activity in Waynesboro is the YMCA where we inquired about sports.  Mike was (and is) a multi-sport athlete, and we were still sorting out Meredith's interests.  Before long we were referred to Larry who did two things.  First, he hooked us up with Bob Stum and his traveling soccer teams.  Bob had been coaching high school soccer for about 30 years at that point and used the traveling teams to develop talent for his high school team.  Second, he picked Mike for his Landis Machine little league team.  I helped Larry coach baseball and eventually became active coaching and organizing soccer.  From these two actions we met a lot of Waynesboro which has become our home town.

So, like many stories, this story comes full circle.  A lot happened before and after this period.  There were Ann and I and then us.  I have a hard time imagining a time when we were not together.  Larry passed a few years ago.  We still think fondly of he and his family who made our transition to Waynesboro enjoyable.  Bob has retired from coaching high school soccer but has a significant soccer legacy.

This blog will be somewhat like the story.  Activity leads to stories and there are stories linked to stories.  As we move about, we keep meeting interesting people, visiting new places, learning new things and sharing with others.  One of the lessons I passed to players on teams I coached, in sports and professional life, was that it mattered little what one had already done, or what mistakes were made.  The most important play is the next play. 

There is a saying that goes something like you don't have enough time to make and learn from all the mistakes in the world, so you should learn from those of others.  What we'll do here is chronicle what we're doing in a wide range of areas.  This is an invitation to share stories and comment on those of others.  I like chatting with adults, and I like mental health, so we'll try to use those notions as standards.  Hopefully we'll share a lot and be in a better position to apply it to the next play.   

               Cheers - Dan DeDona

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